
Our committees are an opportunity for you to focus on a particular area that our organization is involved in. They deal with one particular issue and one goal. Not everyone feels comfortable talking to people on the street or getting their hands dirty with yard work, so the committees are a great way to pick the part of the organization that is right up your alley.



  • Event
  • Membership 
  • Beautification
  • Media/Community Relations



If you are interested in working for one of these committees, just send us a quick email or fill out our contact form.

Support Us

We are a non-profit organization and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to help out, please contact us for a list of our most needed items or volunteer opportunities.


P.O. Box 271489
Memphis, TN 38167


Phone: (901) 860-4675‬




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Frayser Community Association