Welcome to the Frayser Community Association Home Page.  Frayser is a community in the city of Memphis on the scenic Wolf River.  This community of 50,000 is outlined by three  rivers: The Mississippi, the Loosahatchie and the Wolf.  The eastern boundary is the Illinois Central RR. (IC), which is the dividing line between Frayser and Raleigh communities. 

The Mission of the Frayser Community Association is to be the umbrella organization supporting housing, schools, neighborhoods, businesses and civic organizations; working together on issues of common concerns while preserving the residential quality of Frayser.

Vision - Frayser will continue its traditions and values while becoming a premier destination community and first choice for safe living, learning, working, worshiping, shopping and recreation.


Monthly meetings of the Executive Board are held on the third Monday of each month at the Frayser Resource Center at 3684 N. Watkins St.


Support Us

We are a non-profit organization and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to help out, please contact us for a list of our most needed items or volunteer opportunities.


P.O. Box 271489
Memphis, TN 38167


Phone: (901) 860-4675‬

Email: info@frayserca.org



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Frayser Community Association